Good corporate governance is what defines good listed companies. Investors and stakeholders want regular updates and timely access to corporate information. With ShareInvestor’s expertise, tools, and services, we are well positioned to support listed companies adhere to good investor communications and share their story to a global audience.
Online IR
Our clients include respected blue chip companies such as Bank BRI, Sido Muncul, and state-owned companies such as Wijaya Karya.
A complete list of our clients can be found on https://www.infinitesparks.com.
Trusted Brand
We are the leading IR service provider in the region and service over 700 PLCs across Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Australia.
Smart Managed Service
We have expertise and technology to design, maintain and update IR websites
Our connection to data providers ensures fast and error-free update of stock and fundamental data on IR websites.
Our automated task manager, coupled with a well-documented IR workflow, ensures all necessary tasks are allocated, tracked and reviewed
Local Staff, Regional Support
We have a dedicated team comprising of local account serving and delivery teams.
To ensure adequate coverage, our structure enables regional offices to provide support services.
Distribution Channels
We have diverse distribution channels to disseminate IR-related information
Local and overseas online channels
Direct access to ACN Newswire
Email newsletters